If you know me well enough, you will know that I would rather do anything than to sell my soul, posting about products that I don’t even like. This post contains affiliate links which I am so excited to recommend to you (and make just a little money from) and would hope that you have the opportunity to recommend products you love, you would do the same.
Remember those ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books? You start reading and every so often, depending on what is happening in the story, you decide whether you turn the page or skip to page 138 and jump to a whole new world of possibilities?
I wished for that growing up. I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. The wise, Michelle Obama says “I think it's the worst question in the world — is 'What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if you become something and that is all there is."
I had friends that seemed so certain to choose their own adventure and while I was confident that I had lots to offer this big world, it just never felt clear to me.
After high school and college, I spent a year traveling around Asia while teaching English and the world as I knew it before would never be the same. My eyes were opened to so many new possibilities and with that sparked a dream inside me. I knew I wanted to be an EVENT PLANNER because I wanted to make people happy and make everyday a reason to celebrate. Now, years later, my dreams and business have evolved and changed in many different ways.
I couldn’t have dreamed that life would have given me all of the amazing experiences and adventure it has and I definitely couldn’t have predicted all of the ways I would feel scared, unworthy, fearful of the future and the many times I would fail.
But the most amazing part of it all…every time I’ve wavered, I’ve been blessed with divine intervention, in the form of a friend, encouragement from unexpected places, a hidden treasure or an overwhelming sense of peace that everything is as it should be and that I’m choosing my own adventure. Time after time and I’m still here standing.
We each have our own intimate and unique. personal stories that shape us for our entire lives.
“What’s your story? Are you listening to the ways you are supposed to bring yourself to this world? ”
Cassidy’s Make A Wish Trip to Meet the Cast of Fuller House in 2016. Read more about our Cystic Fibrosis journey here.
The absolute darkest moments of my life have led me to a place where today, my life, career, business and non-profit work for Cystic Fibrosis collectively stream together, allowing me to be in the space of growth and learning in everything I do. Putting myself out there, being vulnerable, honest and real takes so much courage for me, yet if I didn’t listen to the nudges, I wouldn’t be fulfilling my true purpose. You know what I mean?! To me, that’s worth CELEBRATING!
If you are reading this and thinking what is my purpose? What am I supposed to bring to this world? Than take time to pause and take inventory of your life and your circumstances. I am living proof that the light shines through the cracks in the darkness and if you take time to stop and listen once in a while, the answer is usually louder and clearer than expected.
Through the inner work you do, you can recognize that when you take the time to learn more about yourself, about your life and the things in it, you will begin to see the patterns and to understand how your journey has lead you to where you are and where you wish to go.
Each chapter has connected and has lead you to this very moment, reading this blog… this is another piece of your story, too...and that little nudge you’re keep going, to keep CELEBRATE life all the way towards the direction of your dreams….it’s all part of the plan!
Now it’s your turn…
What whispers have been nudging you?
What are you ready to stop ignoring?
What do you think those whispers have been trying to tell you?
I would be honored if you would connect with me on Celebrating Simple Life the Podcast to listen to stories of incredible people who are following their dreams and making the world a better place.
Cheers to Celebrating today!
Isn’t the space between Christmas, News Year’s and ‘real life’ starting up again the first week of January, an interesting time? As I sit on my couch in my pajamas, with cozy socks under 4 blankets (it’s a balmy -26 outside today!) I’m soaking in all the feels watching Queer Eye on Netflix. There has not been an episode yet that I haven’t cried in and I would just like to think that we would be best friends in real life.